Upromise A website that allows you to obtain credit for everyday purchases and save them toward college savings for your children; accounts can be connected to Section 529 plans offered by various financial service and mutual fund organizations. |
College Savings Plans Network |
Kiplinger Companion site to the venerable financial planning magazine; offers a wide range of data and reports on the economy and the stock market; don’t be too surprised if you get email offering a subscription to the print version. |
Saving for College This site includes a new Section 529 plan evaluator. It allows you to compare the features of different state plans and request information from up to five states per visit. |
AMG Data Services A website aimed primarily at professional and institutional investors, but also provides free data on mutual fund inflows and outflows, including money market funds. |
Financial Aid |
U.S. Census Bureau Home site for the Consumer Price Index (CPI); provides a wide range of economic and business data; proof that they do a lot more than count all of us every ten years. |
Leimberg & Leclair - §7520 Interest Rates and the IRS Applicable Federal Rates (AFR) |
State of Connecticut Department of Revenue Services
Internal Revenue Service
Social Security Online
State of Connecticut Department of Labor
U.S. Department of Labor
Tax Policy Center